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Craft as Context in Therapeutic Change

Writer's picture: Sawdust Occupational TherapySawdust Occupational Therapy

Crafts are used by occupational therapists as a therapeutic activity that can be an agent of change for many with disabilities. This article discusses how crafts can address: “physiology (heart rate, respiration etc.), psychophysiology (pain, level of consciousness etc.), sensomotory development (internalization of visual, tactile and kinaesthetic functions, fine motor coordination etc.), perception (discrimination of differences etc.), cognition (learning skills, knowledge, attitudes, short and long-term retention etc.), behavior (activity level, safety, accuracy etc.), craft-related skills (composing, craft techniques, using equipment and materials etc.), emotions (anxiety, depression, motivation, imagery etc.), communication (verbal and nonverbal communication, expressive skills etc.), interpersonal (role behaviors, relationship patterns, sensitivity etc.) and creativity (inventiveness, artistry etc).” (1, p 44-45) Creating crafts are enjoyable tasks that can help enhance the skills needed for everyday activities that people with disabilities may struggle with.

Apprentice and therapist use saw to cut wood.

The article also discusses how creating crafts can empower and motivate an individual. When crafts are used as a purposeful activity, it is meaningful to the client and allows for confidence build-up during the creation of the craft and once it is completed. “Craft can help clients realize that through the design process, or process of taking raw materials or minimally prepared substances and processing, assembling, and forming them, the clients can do the same with their lives.” (1, p 44)

There are many benefits to using crafts as therapy. It addresses many deficits that people with disabilities may experience, builds confidence, and can be motivational all while having an enjoyable experience! Using crafts as a therapeutic tool is a concept used for many decades as a leisure activity while increasing cognitive and physical conditions.


Pöllänen, S. (2009). Craft as context in therapeutic change. 

The Indian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 41(2), 43-47.

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